0733 660 588


MON - FRI : 8.00AM - 4.30PM

bulk billing doctor ashgrove google review

Practice Hours

Monday to Friday 7.00 am to 5.00 pm, Sunday and public holidays closed

Practice Doctors

Dr Chandrasena Tennakoon

Dr Subhani Pathirana.

Dr Malinda Doltan

Practice Team

Flaviana Amparo ( Bing )

Practice Services


Women’s & Men’s health


Mental health

Minor procedures/ surgeries

Travel Health

Geriatric Medicine

Antenatal and Postnatal

Skin checks

Flu Vaccinations


Consultation is by appointment. Patients presenting without an appointment will be fitted in at the earliest available time. Urgent medical matters will always be dealt with promptly. Please “check-in” with a reception on your arrival to avoid an unnecessary delay in the waiting room.

Whilst every effort is made to keep on time for appointments, this can sometimes be difficult due to emergencies, walk-in patients or unexpected long consultations. To help schedule appropriately, please inform our reception staff if you require a longer consultation, and what it may be for. Cancellations If you are unable to keep your appointment, please phone the practice prior to your appointment to cancel or reschedule. This will allow your appt time to be allocated to another patient.

Telehealth Appointments

Cost for the PRIVATELY BILLED telehealth appoinment is $65.

Walk-in appointments

Walk-ins will be allocated the first available consultation, which may require some waiting. Emergencies will be attended to immediately.

Health engine

Can be made by visiting website https://www.ashgrovegp.com.au/ or going onto Health engine

Home visits

Home visits can be arranged for regular patients who are unable to attend due to their condition. Patients can contact the reception for a home visit and will be scheduled for at the end of the day, if not urgent.

After Hours and Emergency

Please contact National Home Doctor Service 13SICK/ 137425, and a report will send be to us the following day. In case of an emergency please call 000 or present to the closest hospital to you.

Medical Certificates & Forms

An appointment is required if you need any type of medical certificate, eg for work or Centrelink.

Communication/telephone policy

If the doctor is unavailable, staff will take details and will ask them to call you back when able to. If it is urgent, the phone call will be put through to the doctor immediately.

Test Results

If you have been sent for a test, please make sure to make an appointment in 2-3 days for the results, when leaving. If any results are abnormal and/or require urgent attention we will contact you. Please ensure that your contact details are up to date.

Reminder system

To further improve our service to you, we have implemented a patient recall & reminder system. We will contact you by either by phone or letter to make an appointment for when you are due for a preventive health check E.G pap, skin check, blood pressure. Our practise also takes part in the national register, who also helps work out who and when is due. Patients attending this practice will automatically be included in our recall/reminder system. Please inform the Doctor or practice staff if you do not wish to be contacted. You will need to sign a form to opt-out, that will be scanned into your chart.

Engaging with other services and referrals

Our practise regularly engages with local health services, such as specialists, allied health and hospitals. If required, your GP will provide sufficient information [ referral letter] to plan and facilitate optimal patient care. The appointment is required to get a referral.

Management of patient health information

Our practice is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal health information. The practice uses computerized medicals records to record information, order tests, provide prescriptions and file specialist reports. Our computers are password protected. All information collected at this surgery is confidential. For more details please ask staff to see a copy of our privacy policy.

Insurance Forms & medicals.

Pre-employment, Commercial drivers licence medicals and any type of Insurance forms will incur a fee (these are not covered by Medicare) and are payable on the day that you are seen. Please speak to the receptionist for the fee amount.

Patient Rights and Feedback

We recognize that patients have certain rights and we will endeavor to support these rights. Please feel free to talk to your doctor or reception staff if you have any suggestions or are unhappy with our service. Alternatively, you may prefer to contact the Queensland complaints body on 133 646

Hearing or language issues?

Please let reception staff knows when making the appointment, as we may to arrange for an interpreter to be present (arrangements will need to be made for this, may take up to one week)

Do we bulk bill workcover?

Please note, we do not bulk bill Workcover & patient needs to pay for the consultation at the time of appointment. Please let reception staff knows when making the appointment. We do not take care of existing Workcover claims as well.

How we provide Teleconsultation?

We provide Teleconsultations to our patients except childrem under 16 years old.